Tradition & Culture: Dialects Of Fante Language Source: emeritus Date: Saturday, 20th February, 2021. Time: 4:00:00pm by Frederick Annorson Asante.

The Fante Language

The Dante Language is an independent language with different dialects spoken across the region ( Agona Mfantse, Gomoa Mfantse, Ekumfi Mfantse, Ryan Mfantse, Ajumako Mfantse, Asikuma/Breman Mfantse, Oguaa Mfantse, Nkusukum Mfantse etc). However, there is only one approved written and learned dialect of this language.

The Mfanti language is a mixture of Etsi and Bono. That’s why we say “Borbor beto etsi, Etsi Fri Tsitsi” meaning, Borbor (Group from Techiman) come to meet Etsi ( indigenous inhabitants of Mankessim at the time), etsi is from ancient days. These are some of the well known spoken dialects.

Mankessim/ Nkusukum Mfantse: This dialect is spoken by the people of Mankessim, Dalton’s, Anomabo and their surrounding towns. It is also the approved learned and written dialects if the fante language. The first Dante Bible was written using this version

Oguaa/ Edina ( Capecoast/ Elimina) Mfantse: This dialect is spoken by the people of CapeCoast, Elaina, Ekon, Moree, Eguafo, Komanda and their surrounding areas. There’s not much difference between this dialect and Mankessim/Nkusukum dialect. The Fante Methodist Hymns book is written in CapeCoast Mfantse.

Abora Mfantse: Spoken by the people of Asebu, Abura Dunkwa, Abakrampa, Edumpa and their surrounding towns. There’s some differences in pronunciations of some words and their tones in this type of dialect compared to others.

Gomoa Mfantse: Spoken by the People of Gomoa Ojobi, Fetteh, Krakrabe, Apam and all Gomoa towns. There’s some difference between this type of dialect compared to Cape Coast or Mankessim Fante.

Agona Mfantse: Spoken mainly by the people of Nyakron, Swede, Abodom, Nsaba and their surrounding towns. There’s some difference between this dialect and the ones spoken in CapeCoast or Mankessim. This dialect in mostly spoken by Kwaw Kese.

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